Management Functions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> The Manager And His Environment - Management Functions


The management functions are the separate parts (activities) that make up the whole process of management. They can be described as the activities that are inherent in most management jobs. Many of these activities can be grouped into one of the following general functions.

 a) Planning

Planning involves determining the organizations goals and the best ways of reaching them. Plans permit:

 i.    The organization to obtain and commit the resources required to reach its objectives.

ii.   Members of the organizations to carry on activities in line with the chosen objectives.

iii.  Monitoring of progress towards the objectives with view of taking corrective action.

b) Organizing

This is the second basic managerial function and it is the process of grouping activities and resources in a logical and appropriate fashion. Basically it is creating the organizational chart for a firm. (Determining the structure of the organization - the jobs to be done, who is to do them, how the jobs are to be grouped, how much authority each manager is to have and how many employees each is to supervise).

c) Leading

Is the set of processes associated with guiding and directing employees towards goal attainment. Attempt to assure that the organization is moving towards its goals. It includes motivation, leadership and communication.

d) Controlling

This is the final basic management function and it is the process of monitoring and adjusting organizational activities towards goal attainment.

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