Management Art Or Science Assignment Help

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Management Art Or Science

The debate about whether management is an 'art 'or 'science' is far from being complete. Most scholars feel that management draws on both art and science.

Follet for example defined management as an art, but her definition is not universally accepted. What is obvious is that like most other arts management involves some degree of skill.

Management has also been studied for a long time and has been systematised into a body of theories. This systematism gives management some scientific elements.

Scientific management can be defined as the use of modified and verified knowledge in the planned management of any organized activity, management, as we know it is far from this despite the valid predicability that has been introduced to management by introduction to computers. Management is still subjective, non-statistical, emotional, common sensical and behavioural, making management largely artistic. A great deal remains to be learned about people and social structures of organizations and until our understanding of such issues is complete, managers will continue to rely on their subjective human judgements. So although some aspects of management have been more scientific, much of management still remains an art.

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