Defining Management Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> The Manager And His Environment - Defining Management


Several definitions of management have been advanced but because of the complex nature of management no one definition has been universally accepted.

The simplest definition of management was given by Mary Parker Follet.She defined management as "the art of getting things done through people". From this definition we see that managers achieve organizational goals by arranging for others the necessary tasks to be performed to achieve the goals of the organization, hence they do not do the work themselves.

Management has also been defined as the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of organizational members and using all other resources to achieve stated organizational goals.

A process is a systematic way of doing things so management is systematic.Planning means that the actions of managers are based on some method, or logic organizing means that manager’s co- ordinate the human and non human resources in order to achieve goals.

Leading describes how managers direct and influence subordinates by establishing the proper atmosphere for doing tasks. Controlling means that managers select the right objectives i.e. select the right things to be done.This definition says that management involves attainment of stated goals. This means the manager’s work is aimed at specific goals or ends.

A third definition defines management as a process of grouping together organizational material  and human resource activities and directing them to use the scarce resources efficiently and effectively in order to achieve the organizational and individual goals and objectives.

Therefore management work involves activity - managers do not sit around all day and think. They talk, listen, read, write, meet, observe etc. However most of their activities are either of planning, organizing, staffing, directing or controlling.
From the definitions it comes out very clearly that management has the following characteristics.

i.  It is complex
Managers are engaged in many different activities. Sometimes they must do all these activities concurrently or change them frequently.

ii.  It is persuasive 

It touches many areas and aspects of human activity. For example it is applicable in many situations be they social, political or economic and it has enormous effects on society. Management is also practised in all institutions that involve group work.
For management to be successful it must achieve both (efficiency and effectiveness). But while efficiency is important, effectiveness is critical and no amount of efficiency can compensate for lack of effectiveness.If managers select the wrong objectives, then even if they minimise costs the organizations will still fail. The key to successful management is therefore ability to identify the right things to be done and to concentrate resources on them.

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