White Test:
We now consider the White's test of heteroscedasticity proposed by Hal White (1980). From the OLS estimates we can find out the residuals
. Suppose we use the regression residuals to run the following regression:

from which we cdculate the measure of goodness of fit, R2. The White's test is based on the fact that when there is homoscedasticity,

with 1 degree of freedom. More generally, when there arep independent Z variables, the distribution will havep degree of freedom. Note that White's test is very general. To carry it out we need not make any specific assumptions about the nature of heteroscedasticity. Obviously it gives us some advgintage - we can test for every form of heteroscedasticity through thik test.
However. we are exposed to the psk that the power of the White's test is often bad so that the null hypothesis gets too often rejected. The White's test is also sensitive to specification bias, that is, if any relevant variable is omitted from the model. In addition, the White's test is non-constructive in the sense that when we reject the null hypothesis this test does not offer any suggestion regarding future course of action.