Goldfeld-Quandt Test:
The Goldfeld-Qwdt test is qpplicable if heteroscedasticity is related to only one of the explanatory vdableo. Suppose in our regression model the error variance' increases Hiith the regressor x1. In order to carry out the Goldfeld-Quandt test we proced as follows:
- arrange the observations in increasing order of x,
- omit some observations (say, r out of n observations) in the middle of the data series
- run a regression on the first n1 = (n-r)/2 observations, obtaining the error sum of squares, ESS,
- run a regression on the last n2 = (n-r)/2 observations, obtaining the error sum of squares, ESS,
- test the null hypothesis
by using the F-test for the test statistic
for degrees of freedom ![2367_Goldfeld-Quandt Test1.png](
The omission of r observatioris from the data set is required.for the G-Q test. There is no hard and fast rple for the exact value-of r and the choice is quite aubitrary. In practice, about one fourth observations, are omitted.