Thermometers And Fixed Points

A thermometer is an instrument for measuring the temperature. The Zeroth law gives the foundation for temperature measurement: The thermometer plays the role of S3; it gives a quantitative measure of the disparity in temperature. For this reason, it is possible to determine two standard systems whose circumstances are simply reproducible. One of them is Sice, a system having a mixture of ice and water at a pressure of one atmosphere; the second is Ssteam having water boiling at a pressure of one atmosphere. Let use a mercury-in-glass thermometer to measure the temperature. The location of the meniscus of the mercury column, if it has achieved thermal equilibrium with Sice is marked and selected as the ice point; the position when thermal equilibrium is attained with Ssteam is also marked and known as the steam point. The length of glass tube among these two marks, that are generally called the fixed points, is then splitted into a number of equivalent intervals.