Properties of organic resins Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Synthetic Ion Exchangers - Properties of organic resins

Properties of organic resins:

We will mostly focus on the properties of organic resins. Inspite of actually that various kinds of resins have a variety of applications; there are a few pronounced limitations of these kinds of exchangers. They are not extremely stable at high temperatures and cannot withstand high dose of ionizing radiations and highly oxidizing media. From 1950s onwards, interest in the management of nuclear waste grew at a very fact pace. This led to resurgence of interest in inorganic ion exchange and a full subject of synthetic inorganic exchangers became prominently important. A variety of amorphous and crystalline inorganic ion exchangers have been synthesized. The list of these materials is large. Several of these exchangers display specificity for particular ions and they are used to separate them. No doubt the area of synthetic inorganic ion exchangers initially created for nuclear waste management reasons but along with the time, it has attracted the interest of different categories of research groups.

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