Bezier Curve Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Synthetic curves - Bezier Curve

Bezier Curve:

Bezier curves are utilized in CAD and are named after a mathematician functioning in the automotive industry. Bezier curves are depending on approximation method that produces curves that do not pass through all the specified data points except the first and the final control point. A Bezier curve does not needs first-order derivative; the shape of the curve is controlled through control points.

Since in the previous section, we let one segment of the curve. For n + 1 control points, the Bezier curve is represent by a polynomial of degree n as:

     553_Bezier Curve.png    -------(1)

here V (t) is the position vector of a point on curve segment & Bi, n are the Bernstein polynomials, that serve as the blending or fundamental function for the Bezier curve.

The Bernstein polynomial is represents as

1010_Bezier Curve1.png---------(2)

Here C (n, i) is the binomial coefficient provide by

415_Bezier Curve2.png---------- (3)

Putting Eq. (2) in Eq. (1)

Where V0, V1, . . . , Vn are the position vectors of n + 1 points that make the so-called characteristic polygon of the curve segment.

1079_Bezier Curve3.png

            Figure: Bezier Curve and its Characteristic Polygon

Examples of Bezier curves Properties of Bezier Curve
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