Simple Harmonic Motion Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Synthesis of Cam Follower System - Simple Harmonic Motion

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM):

The displacement diagram may be constructed as:

 (a) Draw a semi circle having lift (L) as diameter throughout rise stroke or return stroke or both as the case can be.

 (b) Split the cam displacement angle, θr for return or θ0 for rise, or both as needed into equivalent divisions say 6 or 8. Also, divide semi circles into similar no. of equivalent portions.

 (c) Project intercepts at the semi circle to equivalent divisions on the cam displacement interval. Mark the points so attained.

 (d) Join the point's free hand having a smooth curve. The diagram so attained is shown in Figure (a).

At any point, the displacement of the follower is provided by the following given expression:

1743_Simple Harmonic Motion.PNG

  1847_Simple Harmonic Motion.png . . . (6.4)


here  430_Simple Harmonic Motion1.png for rise and 2471_Simple Harmonic Motion2.pngfor return.

Thus, for rise,

2371_Simple Harmonic Motion3.png

By differentiating it, we obtain

254_Simple Harmonic Motion4.png. . . (6.5)

 where ω is cam speed, and

1675_Simple Harmonic Motion5.png. . . (6.6)

1036_Simple Harmonic Motion6.png

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