Biparametric Surface of Revolution Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Surfaces of Revolution - Biparametric Surface of Revolution

Biparametric Surface of Revolution:

A point on this surface is indicated as:

              Q (u, φ) = [x(u) y(u) cos φ  y(u) sin φ]

 Rotating plane curves also produce surfaces of revolution. A sphere is produced by rotating semicircle in the xy plane around the x-axis or y-axis whose center is at origin where the parametric equation of the circle is as  p (r, θ).

Px = x = r cos θ             0 < θ < π

Py = y = r sin θ

and the parametric equation of the sphere is  as Q (θ, φ)

Q (θ, φ) = [x(θ)  y(θ)  cos θ y(θ) sin φ]

        = [r cos θ r sin θ cos φ   r sin θ sin φ]          0 ≤ θ ≤π

                                                                               0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π

An ellipsoid is attained through rotating an origin centered semi-ellipse in the xy-plane either

x or y-axis. The parametric equation of the semi-ellipse is following

x = a cos θ       0 ≤ θ ≤ π

y = b sin θ

The parametric equation for a point on the ellipsoid of revolution Q (θ, φ) is

Q (θ, φ) = [a cos θ b sin θ cos φ   b sin θ sin φ]             0≤θ ≤ π

                                                                                           0 ≤φ ≤ 2π

Parametric surface
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