Workmanship And Quality Assurance In Masonry Construction Assignment Help

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Workmanship And Quality Assurance In Masonry Construction

Brick masonry is commonly categorized as first, second and third class depending on the strength, features and uniformity of shape of bricks and also the workmanship as well as the mortar used.

Stone masonry is categorized into several kinds depending on the preparation of stone pieces and labour included. Random rubble masonry needs least amount of preparation of stone. Ashlar masonry includes maximum preparation of stone. Stones should be laid on their planes and dressed properly.

In stone masonry, bond stones or by stones that run by thickness of the wall are extremely significant. The stones should be laid breaking joints and should overlap every other making it a homogeneous mass.

Corner in a stone masonry such as window door joints walls etc. are extremely important. Special kind of stones known as quions should be used.

In case of veneer work, clamps and cramps should be used at proper intervals and shall be of the size and material exact.

The subsequent points shall be checked although supervising masonry construction:

(a)        Brick shall be checked for strength, dimensional accuracy, efflorescence, water absorption and proper burning. Stones should be checked for uniformity of color, texture, strength, compressive strength and water absorption.

(b)       Grading and silt content of sand for mortar.

(c)        Within brick masonry, thickness of joint shall not exceed 1 cm.

(d)       The joints shall be filled up along with mortar.

(e)        Joints should be staggered.

(f)        In brick masonry, face joints shall be raked to a depth of 15mm while the mortar is still green.

(g)       Masonry should be plumb or in specified batter.

(h)       Bricks and stones should be fully soaked in water and laid skin dry.

(i)        Brick courses and ashlar masonry should be laid level.

(j)         Mortar should be properly mixed on a hard platform.

(k)       Strength of mortar could be checked through scratching along with any sharp instrument.

(l)        Joints among main and cross walls should be properly bonded.

(m)      Curing should be proper and at least for seven days.

(n)       Common quality of works with respect to lines, levels, thickness and trueness of the joints.

(o)       In brick masonry, top courses in window sill, in plinth, below RCC slab and parapet shall be given in brick on edge.

(p)       Holes of scaffolding should be properly filled up.

(q)       Specified reinforcement in half brick masonry and in corners etc. should be given.

(r)        Needed number of bond stones to be provided.

(s)        Quality of dressing.

(t)        In stone masonry, thickness of joints should not be excessive.

(u)       Cramps and dowels to be checked for materials number and size.

(v)       All pipe fittings and specials, spouts, hold fasts and other fixtures which are needed to be built within the walls shall be embedded, as specified, in their correct positions as the masonry work proceeds.

(w)      To facilitate taking service lines later without excessive cutting of done work sleeves shall be given where specified, although raising the masonry work.

(x)        Outlets shall be given wherever water is likely to accumulate.


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