Walls Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Superstructure - Walls


Let us first try to analyse the several functions served through walls within a building.

(a)        Walls basically support loads of upper floors and roof (in case of load bearing walls).

(b)       Exterior wall of a building has to provide protection against natural elements like wind, sun, rain, snow etc.

(c)        Ground floor wall has to resist dampness also.

(d)       They give enclosure for ensuring privacy and security.

(e)        Walls give support for windows and doors.

(f)        Walls give thermal insulation.

(g)       Walls give sound insulation.

(h)       Walls give an offer adequate resistance to fire.

(i)        Walls serve as a base for appropriate aesthetic treatment.

Walls could be constructed in various ways using a variety of building materials. The common materials used for construction of walls are as follows:

(a)        Bricks,

(b)       Stones, and

(c)        Various type of blocks.

The details of materials and construction practices of walls built from these materials are describe in subsequent sections.


Block Partitions Brick Partition
Cavity Wall Partition Wall
Partitions of Sheeted Materials Piers
Retaining Wall Types of Non-load Bearing Partitions
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