Stone Masonry Assignment Help

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Stone Masonry

Stone masonry is a traditional form of construction in this country. Therefore, in view of the ready availability of bricks and ease of constructing brickwork, the use of stone masonry is not extremely general.

Construction of stone masonry needs skilled masons, trained in dressing stones. Large irregular shaped stones have to be handled as compared to conveniently sized bricks or blocks. In hilly areas where stones are easily available and for prestigious buildings while the architects desire an elevation with stones, this type of masonry is still popular.

The common types of stone available in the country are granite, sandstone, limestone, basalt, marble etc. The strength of the creating stone to be used shall be adequate to carry the imposed load. The crushing strengths of a few of the categories of stones are given below:

Type of Stone

Crushing Strength












The stones used in masonry shall be sound, hard, free from cavities, cracks, veins, flaws, sandholes, patches of soft or loose materials and etc. The stone should not hold deleterious material such as iron oxide and organic impurities. All stones should be wetted before use.

In selecting stones, the situation whereas this material is to be used has to be considered. Table 6 provides the recommended use of general types of stones:

                                                      Table: Use of Common Types of Stones

Sl. No.


Types of Stone


For carved ornamental work, arches, veneers etc.

Soft stones like marble, sandstone.


For face work of building.

Granite, marble and close grained sandstone.


Masonry work below plinth level and in subsoil water.

Dense stones like granite.


Masonry work exposed to smoke or chemical fumes.

Granite, quartize.


Fire resistant masonry.

Compact sandstone.

Stone Masonry Types of Stone Masonry
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