Block Masonry Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Superstructure - Block Masonry

Block Masonry

Several types of blocks could also be used to construct masonry. As these blocks could be made under controlled conditions it is probable to achieve the desired quality. As they could be made to sizes larger than bricks and at the similar time true to shape and size, the construction is faster and the quantity of mortar needed for the masonry work is less. Blocks faces being fairly smooth and the walls could be left unplastered, and even if they are plastered a quantity of mortar needed would be less than in brick masonry and extremely much less than in stone work.

A variety of blocks are available for use, lime based blocks, like as concrete blocks, soil based blocks etc.


Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks Blocks Masonry
Concrete Blocks Flyash Lime Gypsum Bricks
Lime Based Blocks Lime Flyash Bricks
Sand Lime Bricks Soil Based Blocks
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