Particular Cases Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Stresses - Particular Cases

Particular Cases:

 (a)       If the vessel is spherical

r1 = r2 = r and f1 = f2 = σh

∴          σh/ r + σh/ r   =  p/ t

σh  =  pr /2t  =  pd /4t

 (b)      If the vessel is cylindrical

r1 = r and r2 = ∞

∴          f1/ r   = p/ t

Hoop stress,

f1 =   pr /t = pd /2t

 Since the longitudinal stress f2 is because of the pressure at the ends of the cylinder,

f2  × 2π rt = p π r 2

f 2 =  pr/2t  =  pd/4t

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