Hollow Rectangular Section Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Stress Distribution in Beams - Hollow Rectangular Section

Hollow Rectangular Section:

A hollow rectangular section with total breadth B and depth D is illustrated in Figure.

1543_Hollow Rectangular Section.png

                           Beam Section                         Bending Stress Distribution


Assume the breath & depth of the central rectangular hole be b and d, respectively.

∴          Moment of inertia, I = (BD3 /12 ) - (bd 3/12)

Distance of outermost layer from the neutral axis, ymax = D/2

∴  Section modulus, Z = I / ymax

= (1/12) [BD 3 - bd 3] ×   2

= [(BD3 - bd 3)/ 6D]

Assume σ be the maximum bending stress at the outermost layer.

∴          Moment of resistance, M = σ × Z = (σ/6D)   [BD 3 - bd 3]

The bending stress distribution is illustrated in Figure.

Determine the moment of resistance
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