Structural Sections Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Stress Distribution for Different Eccentrically Loaded Sections - Structural Sections

Structural Sections:

Eq. (8) may be rewritten in the form,

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where kx & ky are radii of gyration of the area of section around the axes of x & y, respectively.

For zero stress at the point, we must have 2232_Structural Sections1.png


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For an I-section, the four corners shall be the limiting points, where x′ = b/ 2  and y′ = d/2

Therefore, we have

                                  2120_Structural Sections3.png

 Eq. is the equation of the bounding line which restriction the deviation of load from the centroid for no change in the sign of the stress, for I-section. The equations of the three other bounding lines shall be similar, therefore, forming a rhombus having the principal axis of I-section as diagonals, as illustrated in Figure.

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