Hollow Section Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Stress Distribution for Different Eccentrically Loaded Sections - Hollow Section

Hollow Section:

For a hollow section, with external diameter D & internal diameter d,

I =  (π/64)  (D4  - d 4 );   and  A = (π/4) (D2  - d 2 )

∴          k 2  =  I/A  = D4   - d 4/16 (D2  - d 2 )            16=( D 2 + d2 )/16

∴          e ≤ 2 (( D2  + d 2 )/16) = D2  + d 2/   8D             ------------- (11)

The core for a hollow circular section is thus, a concentric circle of diameter

 (D2  + d 2 )/4D

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