Principal Strains Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Strain Energy in Terms of Principal Stresses - Principal Strains

Principal Strains:

If the state of stress is given in terms of the principal stress components σ1, σ2 and σ3, the corresponding strains components may be calculates as,

ε1 = σ1/E -v(σ2/E -v(σ3/E))                                                                                          . . . (21)

ε2 = σ2/E -v(σ1/E -v(σ3/E))                                                                                          . . . (22)

ε3 = σ3/E -v(σ1/E -v(σ2/E))                                                                                          . . . (23)

Alternately, we may rewrite as,

1185_Principal Strains.png

Using abbreviations, [ε] for 667_Principal Strains1.png, [σ] for  177_Principal Strains2.pngand [C] for 1/E 278_Principal Strains3.png

[ε] =[C] [σ]

Eq. will be useful in writing compact expressions and simplified derivations.

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