Liquid phases Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Stationary Phase Support and Liquid Phases - Liquid phases

Liquid phases:

There is no fool-proof method for selecting the best liquid phase for a particular separation. The right selection is based majorly on experience and / or trial and error. Subsequent are the primary requirements of a liquid phase.

  • It should be a good absolute solvent for sample solutes. If solutes are sparingly soluble within the liquid phase, they will elute rapidly and separation will be poor.
  • It should exhibit differences within solubilities for different solutes in the sample.
  • It should have low vapour pressure (0.01 to 0.1 mm) at operating temperatures for a reasonable column life.
  • It should be thermally stable.
  • It should be chemically inert toward solutes of interest at the column temperature.


Column temperature Liquid phase percentage
Porapak Selection of liquid phase
Super selective liquid phases
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