Detectors Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Stationary Phase Support and Liquid Phases - Detectors


Once the sample is separated, injected and separated solutes are emerging from the column; a method of detection is needed. The selection of a detector will depend upon sample's molecular structure and concentration ranges for the elements of interest. The proper selection of detector along with the column could optimize the results for the investigator.

Because chromatographic detectors differ greatly within the principle under that they operate, it is hard to compare them. Certain features, therefore, are indicative of the usefulness of a detector. Some of these are described below.

  • Adequate selectivity
  • Sensitivity and detectability
  • A linear response to solutes which extends over various orders of magnitudes
  • Operative within a temperature range from room temperature to at least 400°C
  • High reliability and ease of use
  • A short response time which is independent of flow rate?
  • Same in response towards all solutes
  • Non-destructive for solutes
  •  Noise and minimum detectable quality


Detector response Detector response vs time
Detector Sensitivity Differential chromatogram
Gas flow rate Integral chromatogram
Linear detector range
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