Determine the magnitude of torque Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> State Of Stress in Combined Bending and Torsion - Determine the magnitude of torque

Determine the magnitude of torque:

A prismatic bar of hollow circular cross-section along outer & inner diameters 100 mm and 80 mm respectively, carries a bending moment of 5 kN-m. If the compressive, tensile,  and shear strengths of the material are specified as 140 N/mm2, 125 N/mm2 and 95 N/mm2 respectively, what is the magnitude of torque that might safely be applied in addition to the bending moment.


Here, the criteria to be let are as:

s1  ≤ 140 N/mm2

s2  ≥ 125 N/mm2

tmax   ≥ 95 N/mm2

As the magnitudes of s1 & s2 for such bars shall be equal, we ought to satisfy only.

s2  ≥ - 125 N/mm2

tmax  ≥ 95 N/mm2

I for the section =  P/ 64(1004 - 804 )= 2.898 x 10mm4

J for the section = P/32(1004  - 804 )  = 5.796 x 106  mm4

 Maximum compression due to bending moment,

-( M/I ) y max =  - 5 x 104 x50 / 2.898 x 106 =  - 86.266 N/mm2

If T be the torque applied (in kN-m units), So,

tmax      =T x 106 x 50/  5.796 x 106 = 8.62664 T N/mm2           (under torsion alone)

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43.1332  + 8.626642 T 2  = (- 81.867)2


645_Determine the magnitude of torque1.png

If the applied torque is in 8.066 kN-m, we are sure that the bar shall be safe in compression as well as tension.

Now ,we would analyse what torque shall have to be applied if tmax  ≥95 N/mm2 .

We know that,

389_Determine the magnitude of torque2.png

 (under combined bending and torsion)

2177_Determine the magnitude of torque3.png

Though, we may not apply this much torque, as it shall cause compression failure. Therefore, the safe value of additional torque must be limited to 8.066 kN-m.

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