Whals factor Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Spring Subjected to Axial Load - Whals factor

Whals factor:

1535_Spring Subjected to Axial Load.png

Figure: Close Coiled Helical Spring under Axial Load

Moment, T = W . R     ---------- (1)

 From Figure (b),

As described earlier, T can have two components :

 W R cos α       and W R sin α

But since α is small sin α→ 0 and cos α → 1.

Therefore,       T = W R           --------- (i)

But a direct shearing force W is also working upon the wire section.

Therefore, the wire section is subjected to direct shearing stress τ1 and torsional shearing stress τ2. The distributions of τ1, τ2 and concluded stress τm = τ1 + τ2 are illustrated in Figure (c).

τ = 4W/ π d2

τ = 16T/ π d3

∴          τ = (16/ π d 3) (WR + (Wd/4))

= (16WR/ π d 3 ) (1 +   (d /4R )


τ m = 16WR / π d 3   (1 +   d /2D)                    --------- . (2)

In such cases where d < < D,   d/2D can be neglected in comparison to 1. There

τm         = 16WR/ π d                            ------------ (3)

Otherwise τm is expressed as

τ m        = K (16WR/ π d 3)-                        ------------ (4)

where K is refer to stress concentration factor on the inside of the coil. K is also called Whal's factor.

K =(1 +   d/2D)   ---------- (5)

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