The multiple regression model covered in Block 1 is the workhorse of the applied literature in economics. It has been perhaps the single most common tool used for - analysis. Therefore it makes sense to consider some of the problems that often eses when using it. This unit as well as the two following 'will take up some of the more common econometric issues that arise in this context as well as give you the tools to test for and fix some of these. We take up the issue of multicallinearity. In a multiple regression model, we can include many explanatory variables. These explanatory variables are expected to be unrelated among themselves. In emperical estimation, however, some of these kariables may be related.
In ordinary least squares model we assume that sample observations are measured without error, which is always not true. When this assumption does not hold, OLS estimators are biasedand inconsistent. Errors may appear in the measurement of dependent variable, independent vhable or both. When there is error in dependent variable, this does not destroy the unbiased property of the OLS estimators but the estimated variances are larger than the case where there is no such errors of measurement.