Pre-Cast Concrete Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Special Concretes and Concreting Methods - Pre-Cast Concrete

Pre-Cast Concrete:

Pre-cast concrete means the members or blocks are pre-casted at some factory and are transported to the place where these are required. It is possible to prepare well-made pre-cast products by keeping a high standard of finishing. The pre-cast products are fencing posts, paving slabs, pipes, concrete blocks and etc.

Subsequent is the process for preparing pre-cast products:

(a) The moulds of steel or timber are prepared to the shape of the product.

(b) The reinforcement, if any, is put up in the moulds as per design.

(c) The concrete is mixed within the desired proportion and placed in the moulds.

(d) The completed of the products is then carried out.

(e) The products are then suitably cured in specially constructed tanks.

(f) The products are then dispatched for use at site of work.

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