Fibre Reinforced Concrete Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Special Concretes and Concreting Methods - Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Fibre Reinforced Concrete:

Fibre reinforced concrete is described as concrete made with hydraulic cement, containing fine or fine and coarse aggregate and discontinuous discrete fibres.

The fibres can be made from natural material like cellulose, sisal or from artificial material such as glass, polymers, steel and carbon. The quantity of fibres used is about 1 % to 5 % by volume. The reason of reinforcing the cement-based matrix with fibres is to increase the tensile strength by delaying the growth of cracks. Steel fibre is one of the most commonly used fibre. The diameter may vary from 0.25 mm to 0.75 mm. Nylon fibres are found appropriate to increase the impact strength of concrete. They possess extremely high tensile strength. Fibres might be circular or flat. Glass fibre is a recent introduction in making fibre concrete.

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