Setting up quotas for a single user
# edquota -u [ username ]
The given example displays how to set up quotas for a single user!
# edquota -u Krishen
Quotas for user Krishen:
/dev/hda6: blocks in use: 0, limits (soft = 0, hard = 0)
inodes in use: 0, limits (soft = 0, hard = 0)
In the given example blocks in use is the total number of blocks (in kilobytes) a user has consumed on a partition; inodes in use is the total number of files a user has on a partition.
Just the soft and hard limit values should be edited. A value of 0 means no limits will be imposed.
Soft Limit
Soft limit denotes the maximum amount of disk usage a quota user has on a partition. Whenever it combined with grace period, it acts as the borderline, that a quota user is issued warnings about his impending quota violation whenever it passed.
Hard Limit
Hard limit works only whenever the grace period is set. It identifies the absolute limit on the disk usage that a quota user cannot go beyond.