Quotas Setup for User
Within Linux /etc/fstab virtual file system table gives entries for mounting a file system at the time of booting the system.
A Linux uses a special file known as /etc/fstab (/etc/vfstab under Solaris). This file lists all the partitions which required to be mounted at boot time and the directory where they required to be mounted. Within that information the parameters to the mount command can be passed.
Consider the following example.
For enable user quota support on a file system, usrquota has to be added to the fourth field holding the word "defaults as display in the given example.
Modify /etc/fstab
# vi /etc/fstab
/dev/device /dir/to/mount ftype parameters fs_freq fs_passno
/dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults,usrquota 1 1