Checking Quotas on a File System Assignment Help

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Checking quotas on a File System

For check the quotas in what are the file system it has been applied.


repquota          [ options ] [ file system ]


-v - verbose mode

Consider the following example.

# repquota       -va       /home

*** Report for user quotas on /dev/hda6 (/home)

Block limits                                        File limits

A User     used             soft                  hard                 used                 soft                  hard          

Root    10224              0                      0                      1648                0                      0

Krishen   184               1                      4                      46                    1                      5

In the given example, the quotas for the users in the file system /home are displayed in the output.

Block Limits:

Used    Is the current block usage

Soft     Is the soft block limit

Hard   The hard block limit

File Limits:

Used    Is the current block usage

Soft     Is the soft block limit

Hard   The hard block limit

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