Dynamic games of complete and perfect information:
We will consider the dynamic games or the sequential move games. We again restrict our attention to games with complete information (i.e., games in which players' payoffs are common knowledge). We will analyse sequential games that are not only complete but also "perfect information", by which we mean, at each move in the game the player with move knows the full history of the play of the game thus far.
We consider games of complete but imperfect information. The central issue in all dynamic game is credibility. As an example of a non- credible threat consider the following two-stage game.
In a two-stage game, first player 1 chooses between giving player 2 Rs. 1000 or nothing. Then player 2 observes player 1's move and chooses whether or not to explode a grenade that will kill both of them. Suppose player 2 threatens to explode the grenade unless playerl pays her Rs. 1000. If player believes the threat, then playerl's best response is to pay the money. But player 1 should not believe the threat, because it is a non-credible threat. If player 2 was given the opportunity to carry out the threat, she would choose not to explode it (provided that she is rational). Therefore player 1 should pay nothing to player 2.