A player in a simultaneous move game may have any finite number of pure strategies at her disposal. We call one of these strategies her dominant strategy if it outperforms all of her other strategies, no matter what any other player does. In Example 3, the strategy 'c' for each player dominates the other strategy 'NC', since it gives higher payoff no matter what other players do.
Definition: In the normal form game G={S1, S2,... Sn; U1, u2, . .un), let s,' and s," be feasible strategies for the player I (i.e., s,' and s," are members of S, ). Strategy s," strictly dominates strategy s,' , if for each possible combination of other players' strategies, i's payoff from playing s,' is strictly less than i's payoff from playing s:' . Symbolically,
![1480_Dominant strategies.png](
for each (s1 , s2 ,..., st-1, , st+1, ..., sn) that can be constructed from other players' strategy spaces (S1, S2,... Sn) . Strategy s," is called strictly dominant strategy for player i. The dominance is said to be weak when there is a weak inequality (≤ rather than <) in the above inequality.