Project Coordination Methods
Streeter and Kraul will examine a group of project coordination method which is categorized in the following manner.
Formal, impersonal approaches which Include deliverables technical memos, project milestones, software engineering documents, related documentation error tracking reports, and schedules, project control tools changes requests and repository data.
Formal, interpersonal procedures: focus on the quality assurance activities which are applied to software engineering work products and include status review meetings, design and code inspections.
Informal, interpersonal procedures It will include group meetings for problem solving and information dissemination and it is a collocation of requirements and developments staff.
Electronic communication It will Encompasses the electronic mail, the electronic bulletin boards, by extension, and Web sites, video-based conferencing systems.
Interpersonal network: The Informal discussion by those outside the project who may have experience or insight which can assist team members.