Practitioner's Myth
Myths that are still believed through software practitioners which have been fostered through decades of programming culture. As we noted previously in this chapter during the early days of software programming was viewed as an art form. Attitudes die hard and old ways.
Myth Once when we write the program and get it to work our job is done.
Reality Someone once said that the sooner you start writing code the longer it'll take you to get done organizational data indicate that among 50and 70 % of all effort expended on a program will be expended after it is delivered to the customer at the first time.
Myth Until I get the program is running, I really have now a assessing its quality.
Reality One of the most effective software quality assurance mechanisms is it can be applied from the inception of a project the formal technical review. Software review are a ''quality filter'' that has been establish to be more effective than testing for finding certain classes of software errors.
Myth: the working program is the only deliverable for a successful project.
Reality: A working program is only just a one part of a software configuration that includes programs, data and documents. Documentation forms the foundation for successful development and more important provides guidance for the software maintenance task.
Several software professionals recognize the fallacy of the myths define above. Regrettably habitual attitudes and techniques foster poor management and technical practices even when reality dictates a good approach. Recognition of software is realities the first step toward formulation of practical solutions for software development.