DNA Gel Electrophoresis:
In this method, DNA samples are run by agarose gel along with the help of a potential and differential mobility of different DNA samples is responsible for their separation.
The following instruments and reagents are significant for the preparation and running of DNA gel electrophoresis:
• Gel casting trays: These are available in a variety of sizes and are composed of U-shaped UV-transparent plastic. The open ends of the trays are closed along with tape although the gel is being cast in between the A and B walls. The tape is erased before electrophoresis.

Figure: Gel casting tray
• Combs: These are plastics combs around that molten agarose is poured to form sample wells in the gel. Once the gel is cast, comb is simply erased and the wells are made in the gel-slab. A size of the comb determines the volume of the well generates.