Thin layer chromatography Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Size Exclusion Chromatography - Thin layer chromatography

Thin layer chromatography:

This unit on size exclusion chromatography begins with a brief introduction to the technique highlighting the classification to which it belongs. The basic principle involved in separation is discussed. A common discussion on gels is presented that is followed through enumeration of properties which are required to make them suitable for chromatographic work. A section is devoted to the categorization, synthesis and properties of the gels used for separation purposes and are commercially available. The different variables which help in defining the utility of a gel are cited. It is followed by a discussion on some features of the technique which make it so important for separations particularly of biochemical interest. At the end, some representative applications of different types are enumerated. The applications of these gels in areas of separations other than gel filtration chromatography are discussed. These areas include thin layer chromatography, capillary gel electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography.

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