Generic SA Algorithm for Minimization Problem Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Simulated Annealing - Generic SA Algorithm for Minimization Problem

Generic SA Algorithm for Minimization Problem

Step 1

Obtain an initial solution S.

Step 2

Acquire an initial temperature T  = Tα > 0.

Step 3

Do the following whereas not yet frozen.

Step 3.1

Perform the following loop L times.

Step 3.1.1

Select a random number S′ neighbor of S.

Step 3.1.2

Assume Δ = F (S′) - F (S)

Step 3.1.3

IF (Δ ≤ 0) (down hill move) set S = S′.

Step 3.1.4

IF (Δ > 0) (uphill move), set S = S′ with probability exp (- Δ/Tα).

 Step 3.2

Set Tα = r × Tα (reduced temperature).

Step 4

Return S.

where F (S′) = fitness function value of S′.

F (S) = fitness function value of S

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