Relationship between Elastic Constants Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Simple Stresses and Strains - Relationship between Elastic Constants

Relationship between Elastic Constants:

Here, we have defined the four Elastic Constants E, υ, K and G and also begin that they are not independent. Presently, we shall establish the relationship among them.

Relationship between E and K

Below figure shows the spherical state of stress in which the normal stress component is the same, σ0 in any direction and shear stress components are zero on any plane. Such a state of stress is also called as volumetric stress. If the Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio of the solid are known as E and υ, the strain components are given by

εx  =     σx /E - υ (σ y/E) - υ  (σ z/E)

Since,  σx = σy = σz = σ0

εx =     σ0 /E (1 - 2υ)

Similarly,       εy =     σ0/E  (1 - 2υ) and     εz =  σ0/E  (1 - 2υ)

From Eq. (6), we can express the change in volume of the solid as

dV = V (εx + εy + εz )

Volumetric strain, εv  = dV/V = εx + εy + εz

Bulk Modulus,         K = Volumetric stress/Volumetric strain

=          σ0/ ε x + ε y + ε z =     σ0/3εx

= σ0/(σ0/E) × 3 (1 - 2υ)

K= E/3 (1 - 2υ)

Relationship between E and G Significance of the Relationships
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