Shielding design is associatively straightforward depending upon the categories of radiation (gamma, neutron, alpha, beta). For instance, while considering the reactor core, it is first essential to slow down the quick neutrons (those not directly absorbed) coming from the core to thermal energy through utilizing suitable neutron attenuating shielding materials which are properly arranged. This slowing down procedure is mostly caused through collisions which slow the neutrons to thermal energy. Thermal neutrons are then absorbed through the shielding material. whole of the gamma rays in the system the both gamma rays leaving the core and the gamma rays generates through neutron interactions inside the shielding material have to be attenuated to appropriate levels through utilizing gamma ray shielding materials which are also properly arranged. The design of these radiation shields and those used to attenuate radiation from any radioactive source depend upon the position, the intensity and the energy distribution of the radiation sources, and the permissible radiation levels at positions away from these sources. In this lesson, we will discuss the materials used to attenuate neutron, beta, gamma, and alpha radiation.