Shear Force and Bending Moment:
Shear Force : General
The static equilibrium of a space might be ensured if the algebraic sum of all of the forces working on the particle in the directions x, y, z are separately zero
Mathematically specking, ∑Fx = 0, ∑Fy = 0, and ∑Fz = 0.
where, ∑Fx = algebraic sum of all of the forces working on the particle in the x direction
= Fx1 - Fx 2 ,
∑Fy = algebraic sum of all the forces working on the particle
in the y direction = Fy1 - Fy2
, and
∑Fz = algebraic sum of all of the forces working on the particle in the Shear Forces and z direction =

Figure: Equilibrium of a Particle under a System of Forces
These forces are general forces & their positive or negative sign shall depend on, whether the forces are directed away from the origin or towards the origin. Let us assume a section A-A parallel to y-z plane in the body

Figure: Equilibrium of a Body under System of Forces