Endogenising Unemployment:
We need to find an expression for V,. For that you may proceed the similar way as in case of (1') and (1") . From the worker's problem, consider V,, such that

where a is a job acquisition rate i.e., the rate at which the capital gain Ven -Vu is realised, and i7 w the current return from being unemployed, i.e., unemployment benefit. See that V, must be equal to Ven in equilibrium. For, it can never be efficient for firms to hire workers who shirk. If they shirk ever, they shirk always, so they are unproductive. We can now solve equations (5.2) and (5.4) together we get,

In the above equation we do not have q as no one is shirking in equilibrium. By plugging back rVu into the NSC (5.3) above, we get

On the basis of this inequality, we get two additional implications viz.,
i) higher the unemployment benefit, higher is the critical wage.
ii) higher the flow out of unemployment (a) , higher is the critical wage.
We are now in a position to solve the parameters of the model. In the long-run equilibrium, we have the following steady state relationship between total labour fore N, employment L and unemployment U = N - L. Thus, it must be the case that flows out of unemployment equal flows in. Hence,

Since N - L = U (unemployment), we have aU = a (N -L). This gives the number of workers who find jobs at any given time. On the other hand, bL gives the number of workers who lose their jobs at any given time (with no shirking). Substituting back into (5.9, we get

Equation (5.6) shows that the non-shirking wage requires some unemployment at equilibrium. Thus, (5.6) becomes a quasi-labor supply function. As the employment rate approaches 0, the critical wage tends toward infinity. In equilibrium
i.e., labor demand intersects quasi- labor supply.