Classification Based On Equilibrium and Rate Processes Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Separation Methods - Classification Based On Equilibrium and Rate Processes

Classification Based On Equilibrium and Rate Processes:

Now we have seen that the different types of separation methods have been classified under various categories based on property resulting into separation. Practically, all these methods can be divided into various classes using equilibrium and rate processes as criteria. An equilibrium procedure is based on differences within the properties of individual elements. These processes are commonly based on phase equilibria and involve the distribution of substances between two phases. Rate processes are based on the kinetic properties of the components. It is already clear that a majority of important separation processes are chromatography based; therefore, it may be reasonable to introduce a sub-classification of the method listed under this head as chromatographic and non-chromatographic methods.


Classification Based on Equilibrium Processes Classification Based on Rate Processes
Criteria For Selection of Separation Methods Field separations
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