Save Text Attribute in LINUX
files inside which directory can be removed or renamed only through the owner of the file or the directory (owner of the public directory) or by the root or the file is writable by the user if a directory is publicly writable and has the sticky bit set.
This avoids the users from deleting files of others users from public directories
The Save Text Attribute authorization can be set as below.
#chmod 1777 projectdirectory
#chmod a-rwxt projectdirectory
#ls -ld projectdirectory
drwsrwsrwt 2 root other 513 Sep 18 16:27 projectdirectory
In some cases a "T" in the instead of "t" can be found in the output, this indicates an error condition that, the save text attribute bit is on but the execute permission bit is off.
Within Solaris and SCO Operating System the save text attribute is known as a sticky bit.
Access Control Lists (ACL )* (In Solaris O/S)
In traditional Unix file protection gives read, write and execute authorization for the three user classes; file's owner, file's group and other. The ACL gives better file security through enabling file permissions to be described for the owner, group, other, specific group, specific users, and default permissions.
For every file which is specified, setfacl will either replace its entire ACL, involving the default ACL on a directory, or it will add, change, or delete one or more ACL entries, involving default entries on directories.
The setfacl command is used to set or modify ACLs. It maintain the following options
-d - Deletes the specified ACL entries
-m - Adds/changes the specified ACL entries
-s - Replaces the whole ACL with specified entries
The file owner all access, the file set owner read access only and the ACL mask read/write access and others no access.
#setfacl-s user:shea:rwx,user::rwx,group::rw-,mask:r-,other:-abc
# setfacl -s u:shea:7,user::7,group::6,mask:4,other:0 abc
Remember that after this command, the file permission bits are rwxr. Still by the file group owner was set with read/write authorization, An ACL mask entry limits it to have only read permissions. Mask entry also specifies the maximum permissions available to all additional user and group ACL entries. Once again, even by the user shea was set with all access, the mask limits it to have only read permissions. The ACL mask entry is a fast way to limit or open access to all the user and group entries in it. For example, by changing the mask entry to read or write, the file group owner and user shea both would be provides read/write access.
The given example adds one ACL entry to the file abc, that provides user shea read permission only.
# setfacl -m user:shea:r-abc
# setfacl -m u:shea:4 abc
The ACLs for a file or a directory can be shown using getfacl command.
# getfacl -d abc
This command can be used in the SCO there is no concept of ACLs in SCO. The files in /tcb/files/rootcmds/... should be edited to enable the users to run as root after setting the appropriate "setgid" using chmod. Refer the asroot man pages for more details.