Normal permissions
Every file or directory has permission which applies to one of three categories of user:
u - Tthe user who owns the file
g - Tthe group to that the file belongs
o - Eeverybody else
For all of the users, a file or directory has three categories of permissions:
r - Read the file or directory
w - Write to (or remove) directory or the file
x - Execute the list or file the directory
Every of these permissions can be listed as 9 characters, listed through user, group and others as shown below:
Octal & Symbolic Notations
Let consider the following instance to recognize the mode permission for files or directories
The "ls "command can be used to display the current permissions of a file or directory:
ls -l filename
ls -ld directories
This shows the filename (or directory) in a one line summary as display below:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 radiant 684 May 1 11:37 text.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 radiant 513 May 1 11:37 bbl