Changing Group Ownership of File Assignment Help

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Changing Group Ownership of a File

By using the chgrp command the group ownership of a file can be changed. Just the owner of a file or the super-user might change the owner of a file. But by default the owner of the file is avoid from changing the group ID of the file.


chgrp [ -fhR ] group file


-f-       Forces the change. Errors are not reported.

-h-     If the file is a symbolic link, Modify the group of the symbolic link.  Without the -h option, the group of the file referenced through the symbolic link is changed

-R-      Recursively descends by the directory and any subdirectories, setting the exact group ID as it proceeds. Whenever a symbolic link is   encountered, the group of the target file is modified (unless the -h option is specified), but no recursion should takes there place

The given operands are supported:

group  - Denotes the  group name from the group database or a  numeric  group  ID. Moreover of these specifies a group ID to be provided to each file named through one of the file operands. The group ID number related with which group name is used as the group ID if a numeric group operand exists in the group data base as a group name

file       - Denotes the path name of a file whose group ID is to be modified

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