The electricity center global overview
We begin by constructing an overall picture of the electricity sector so that you do not look at the power distribution sector in isolation but acquire a wider perspective. An electric supply system has majorly three components:
1. Power generating station,
2. Transmission lines, and
3. Distribution lines.
Below figure shows a typical electric power supply system.
It comprises the following terms like
a. Generating units that produce electricity;
b. High voltage transmission lines that transport electricity over long distances;
c. Low voltage distribution lines that deliver electricity to consumers;
d. Substations, which are the part of the electricity transmission and distribution system where the voltages are transformed to lower levels for distributing power to end-users; and
e. Energy control centres to coordinate the operation of the components.

Figure: A Typical Electric Power Supply System
We should discuss about generation and transmission of electricity extremely briefly and then focus on the power distribution sector.