Key Issues And Challenges Before The Distribution Sector
Electric power supply has been viewed as public right and public service both within world. The government provided this service, till the last decade of the 20th century. Therefore, ill management and poor governance led to rising deficits and turned SEBs into sick organizations. As a working professional in SEBs / private utilities, you might have also come across unpleasant situations arising out of individual and collective societal concerns at some point of time. You will study about these issues and ways of managing them in detail at various places in all courses of this programmed.
The changed scenario of economic liberalization and globalization has impacted the power distribution utilities. The utilities have now to be maintained more efficiently, produce revenues and provide better services to the consumers. Various challenges and issues have emerged within the operation and management of the utilities. Some of these are: Shortage of power, high technical and commercial losses (involving theft and pilferage of electricity), poor management, and non-remunerative tariff structure based on irrational subsidies, restructuring and privatization, low consumer satisfaction, poor quality power.
We now briefly every one of these issues. As a working professional in SEBs / private utilities, you might have also come across unpleasant situations arising out of individual and collective societal concerns at some point of time. You will study about these issues and their in detail at various places in all courses of this programmed.