Evolution of chromatography Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Scope of Separation Methods - Evolution of chromatography

Evolution of chromatography:

It has been possible to understand the different biochemical processes taking place in our body due to advancements in separation processes. The separation processes have given a unique gift in the form of artificial kidney. The success in the studies on human genome and proteomics owes a great deal to advancements in separation sciences. The synthesis of different medicines is possible because of efficiency of separation processes.  An identification of explosives has been probable because of a key role of separations.

In a nutshell, there is hardly any walk of life where separations do not play their dominant role.

It is well known that a large number of separation methods fall under the category of chromatography and that is why the separation methods have become synonymous with chromatography. Therefore, before proposing a classification of separation methods, it may be important to give here a brief description of evolution of chromatography.

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