Optimized Production Technology Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Scheduling for High Continuous Systems - Optimized Production Technology

Optimized Production Technology (OPT):

This is a scheduling technique that flows only through 'bottleneck' operations.

Internally Oriented Scheduling

Alternatively, internally oriented scheduling techniques are of following two types :

Internally Oriented Scheduling with Dependent Demand

In case of this type of scheduling manufacturers do not have any idea about the characteristic of orders, its completion time and intermediate components. Generally the orders are completed on the basis of previous knowledge regarding the demand pattern of the customers.

This type of situation may occur if the order requirements belongs to any particular customer without the condition of due date. The practical example of internally oriented scheduling is in transportation and service industries, where, it becomes very essential to deal with the customers along with their requirements in a specific manner in a possible interval of time. Though, this time requirement is not imposed by the customers.

Internally Oriented Scheduling with Independent Demand

In this technique, the manufacturers have a little idea about the demand pattern of the customer. But, only this amount of information is not adequate to calculate the actual requirements of any product. Hence, the manufacturers obtained the essential components, quantities related to any product on the basis of direct forecasting. Hence, the problem arises in timing of an estimated activity.

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