Johnsons Rule Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Scheduling and Sequencing - Johnsons Rule

Johnsons Rule:

In manufacturing environment this procedure is termed as sequencing of N number of jobs on two resources or machines. It aims to minimize the total production time and idle time of the system under consideration. Step-wise implementation of Johnson's rule includes the following .

Table: Stepwise Implementation of the Johnson Rule

Step 1  List all of the jobs and times for each work-center or machine



Step 2  Choose the job having the shortest activity time


Step 3  If the activity chosen lies under first work centre, schedule the job first


Step 4  If the activity chosen lies under the second work centre, schedule the job last


Step 5  The selected job should be eliminated from the list


Step 6  Repeat steps 2-5, till all selected job get scheduled


An example defining the Johnson's rule is shown in Table

280_Johnsons Rule.png

Figure: A Detailed Example of Johnson's Rule

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