Strategic Roles Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Role of HR Manager - Strategic Roles

Strategic Roles

An organisation's success increasingly based on the skills , knowledge and abilities of its employees, specifically as they help in establishing a set of core competencies (activities that the firm carry out especially well while compared to its competitors and through which the firm adds value to its services and goods over a long period of time, for example ONGC 's oil exploration capabilities and Dell's ability to deliver low cost, high-quality computers at an astonishing speed) that differentiate an organisation from its competitors. While employees' talents are valuable, rare, hard to imitate and organised, a firm can gain sustained competitive benefit through its people. The tactical role of HR management targets attention on how to enable common employees to turn out amazing performance, taking care of their ever-changing expectations. The key region of attention in this era of global competition include effective management of key resources (, technology, employees, work processes), while delivering cost effective, value- increasing solutions

  1. Change agent: Strategic HR as it is generally called now aims at building the organisation's ability to embrace and capitalise on varying. It makes sure that change initiatives that are targeted on creating high-performing teams, dropping cycle time for innovation, or implementing new technology are defined, developed and distributed in a timely manner. The HR manager in his new avatar would help worker translate the vision statements into a significant format (Ulrich, 1998). HR's role as a change agent is to replace resistance having resolve, planning with results and terror of change with excitement regarding its possibilities. HR helps an organisation recognize the key success factors for change and assess the organisation's weaknesses and strengths about each factor. It cannot decide what type of changes the organisation is going to embrace, but it would surely lead the process to make them explicit. In helping to bring regarding a new HR environment there have to be clarity on issues like as who is responsible for bringing concerning change? Why do it? What will this look when we are done? Who else have to be involved? , How will this be measured? How will this be institutionalised? How will this be measured? How will this get initiated, developed and sustained?
  2. Strategic partner: HR's role is not only to adapt its activities to the firm's business plan, nor surely to carry out fire-fighting operations as compensating employees. Instead, it ought to deliver strategic services cost successfully by building a competent, consumer-oriented work force. It ought to assume important roles in plan formulation as well strategy implementation. To this end, it must recognize external opportunities from time to time, develop HR depend competitive advantages and move in to close the gaps valuably (like outstanding training centre, automation centre, design centre,  etc. which could be utilize by others as well). When implementing strategies, HR should develop suitable ways to restructure work processes smoothly.
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